Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lesson 9

Lesson 9
Flight time logged:1.0 hours
Total flight time logged:12.4 hours
Total takeoffs/landings:35
Total cost to date:$2000

Today I practiced more touch-and-goes. I basically flew the traffic pattern doing takeoffs and landings for an hour.

My instructor showed me another emergency situation where you lose partial power near the airport. He pulled the power to 1500 RPM to simulate the engine losing power. I had to maintain traffic pattern altitude which basically meant that I had to fly much slower. I simulated the call to the tower indicated the need for an immediate landing due to a rough-running engine. Then my instructor pulled the power to idle to simulate complete engine failure while I was on the downwind leg. I had to perform a short approach and land.

After practicing landings today, I feel I'm starting to get the hang of "feeling" the airplane. I go up again on Thursday.